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Remote caching is a mechanism used to store and retrieve frequently accessed data in a location separate from the primary system. In the context of K8sGPT, it allows users to offload cached data to a remote storage service, like AWS S3, rather than managing it on the local machine. This approach offers several benefits, such as reducing local storage requirements and ensuring cache persistence even when the local environment is updated or restarted.

AWS S3 Integration

K8sGPT provides seamless integration with AWS S3, a widely adopted and reliable object storage service offered by Amazon Web Services. By leveraging this integration, users can take advantage of AWS S3's scalability, durability, and availability to store their cached data remotely.


To use the remote caching feature with AWS S3 in K8sGPT, you need to have the following prerequisites set up:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: An access key ID is required to authenticate with AWS S3 programmatically.

  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The corresponding secret access key that pairs with the AWS access key ID.

Adding a Remote Cache:

Users can easily add a remote cache to the K8sGPT CLI by executing the following command:

k8sgpt cache add --region <aws region> --bucket <name>

The command above will create a new bucket in the specified AWS region if it does not already exist. The created bucket will serve as the remote cache for K8sGPT.

Listing Cache Items:

To view the items stored in the remote cache, users can use the following command:

k8sgpt cache list

Removing the Remote Cache:

If users wish to remove the remote cache without deleting the associated AWS S3 bucket, they can use the following command:

k8sgpt cache remove --bucket <name>

This command ensures that the cache items are removed from the K8sGPT CLI, but the bucket and its contents in AWS S3 will remain intact for potential future usage.